Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Raytracing Part 2

In this post some more images of the continuing project on raytracing. First of all, I found out that the bounding spheres were way too big, and a big performance hit on my ray tracing project. Instead of spheres I now calculate bounding boxes around all the triangles in the model and test with these instead of the spheres. All in all, this improvement alone did not speed up things enough. By looking at my quickly made octree, I found some fatal flaws rendering the octree quite worthless. All of the triangles were stored in the topmost bounding box instead of the leaves as they should be.

This image shows the octree of the Stanford dragon and 2 teapots:

After I got all this working I was quite amazed by the quick rendering times. It took almost half the time as before, making it possible to even render this huge dragon:

The next image shows some reflections in the windows and the body of the car:

Of course, I could never stop here. So why not add some refraction as well:

By combining the result of reflections and refraction:

Now, these images are already quite fancy. However, there is still a lot of work to do. The following image shows a sneak peak of the next and final part of this raytracing series. By tracing multiple rays within a pixel area we have more information about the color. Combining this with a nice gaussian function over multiple pixels I have created a nice anti-aliasing function:

In the next part I will show results of a distributed raytracer slowly converging towards rendering an image with global illumination effects.

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